
lastest news in employment law

August 2017 Employers Newsletter

Published 08 Aug 2017
This Issue

Tattoos at work ok?

It is a person’s right to do whatever they want with their own body. Dying their hair, piercings and tattoos, but what are your rights as the Employer when it comes to their employment relationship with you?...full story

Pre-Employment Trials

Pre-employment trials, is it legal? The Employment Relations Authority has upheld a dismissal under the 90 Day Trial Period which also had a pre-employment assessment prior to the job offer....full story

Does your building contain asbestos?

WorkSafe NZ identifies asbestos exposure as the leading cause of death from workplace related disease. In line with their plan to reduce workplace related health risks the new asbestos regulations come into effect April 4th 2018. One of the important requirements under the new Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2016 mean if you own or occupy a building which contains asbestos you must have a management plan by that date....full story

Acc vehicle levy

Since July 1 2017, the average motor vehicle levy, which includes the ACC levy portion of the rego and the petrol levy, will fall by 12.5%; from $130.26 to $113.94 a vehicle.

The petrol levy component will also fall from 6.9 cents to 6c a litre, a 13% reduction. Together these levies cover the costs of accidents on public roads involving vehicles.

Electric vehicles
Electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) will now be classed the same as petrol cars from 1 July. This means owners will pay a lower levy based on the vehicle’s risk rating.