Employment Contracts Creator Upgrade
Current Version : 2.01
Employment Agreement templates include : - Full length - permanent full time
- Full length - permanent part time
- Full length - fixed term
- Short form - permanent full time
- Short form - permanent part time
- Short form - fixed term
- Casual employment
- Employee handbook
- Contractors agreements - For Service & Labour only
A new version of the ECC has been developed and this contains the following changes, which have been necessitated by changes to law and also court determinations.
- changes to the 90 Day Trial Period, when it takes effect, how to use it and how to avoid the pitfalls.
- ECC now includes templated Contractors agreements for clients who wish to put an agreement in place with a contractor (there are contract templates for services and also for labour),
- detailed additional information on the process for presenting offers of employment agreements for Job Candidates,
- how to negotiate and put an employment agreement in place for an existing Employee, if they have never had one. What to do if the employee refuses to discuss or sign the agreement.
- How to negotiate and put a replacement employment agreement in place for an existing employee
- how to make and formalise a variation to an Employee’s existing employment agreement
- Also includes alterations to the signoff section of the employment agreement that the agreement overrides any previous discussions.
Several software improvements have also been made: - Windows 7 & 8 compatibility
- Integrated help notes for each clause in Agreements
- Comprehensive rewrite of Employee Handbook
- Updated letters and documents to meet new practices
- Putting Employment Agreements in place for Job Candidates
- Putting Employment Agreements in place for existing employees
- Reasons for letter of offer
This is the upgrade program which requires the full version to be already installed. If you need the full install please see the
Employment Contracts Creator main page
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This software is design for the Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5
If you PC does not have this installed our software will automatically download it for you.