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latest news in employment law

Custom Employment Agreement Templates online

Published 01 Feb 2015

A popular feature of the Employers Toolbox online is the ability to create custom Employment Agreement templates.

We provide and maintain 8 standard Agreement templates, and you can customise these and save unlimited custom templates of your own like this;

  • Login and go to the Agreements section of the Employers Toolbox
  • Create or open the desired Agreement
  • Customise the Agreement as required
  • Click on the 'Finish' step on the progress bar
  • Click '+ Template' button
  • Enter a name for the template
  • Click the 'Save' button

Custom Templates are displayed back on the homepage of 'Agreements' under the label 'Custom'. Simply click on the custom template to generate a new Agreement based on your custom template.

Customising Agreements

Employment Agreements can be modified online in the following ways:

  • All clauses can be edited
  • You can add custom clauses and custom clause groups
  • You can delete any custom clauses or clause groups
  • Any optional clauses written by us can be removed from the Agreement by de-selecting the check box next to the clause.
  • All clauses and clause groups can be re-ordered
You cannot edit or change a custom template once saved. The way to change a custom template is to create a new Agreement based on your custom template, then make the desired changes and save it as a new custom template. You are able to delete custom templates. Saving an Agreement as a custom template retains all the changes in both the clauses and schedules of the Agreement. Only the Party information is removed.