
lastest news in employment law

Employer Newsletter April 2021

Published 17 Apr 2021
This Issue

Covid-19 Vaccination Rollout

All about the vaccine roll-out. Priority groups, the employer's position and information gathering from staff.

Download a free communication template to staff

...full story

Can staff work multiple jobs?

There is nothing in legislation specifically disallowing people from working more than one job, including being self-employed. Nor is there anything generally limiting the maximum hours they can work....full story

Toolbox update - Discipline & Dismissal

The latest updates to the Employers Toolbox include a revamp of the Dismissal module....full story

ANZAC Day 2021

ANZAC Day, always April 25th, falls on Sunday this year, and as such is 'Mondayised'. So if staff do not normally work on Sunday 25th, Monday the 26th becomes the ANZAC Day Public Holiday. ANZAC Day on Sunday the 25th is also a restricted shop trading day until 1pm. This rule does not get Mondayised, only the Sunday can be the restricted trading (half) day.