The latest updates in the Employers Toolbox online for September include:
The staff member screen has undergone a makeover and most importantly the all staff documents now have their own tab.

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While previously you would have to scroll down the main screen some way to see documents they can now all be found in their own tab. Both your upload files and any linked to that staff member through the system, namely: Agreements, eSigned documents, performance reviews, disciplinary documents and performance improvement plans are listed in their respective groups.
The Health & Safety Visitor Portal can now be configured to send email alerts to staff when a visitor arrives.
From the Visitor Portal options screen there is a new checkbox to enable this option.

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This will send an email instantly to the staff member the visitor selects when they sign in, provided that the selected staff member has a registered work email in their staff member record.
Departments functionality has been extended into the HR side of the Employers Toolbox.
Previously only available through Health & Safety section you can now create and manage Departments from your settings menu throughout the Employers Toolbox.

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This allows you to assign staff to departments within your organisation and further allows the ability to set permissions for logins at a department level. If you create departments the staff member screen will subsequently offer the option to assign staff to a department.

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If you use this on the main staff list you will notice staff are displayed in their respective department.

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Department level logins are also now available if you use the Department functionality as described above.
This means you can have system logins for your managers which enables them to only see staff within their departments. There is already the ability to revoke permissions on functionality such as staff files or agreements etc, and also branch level restrictions if you use multiple branches on the Employers Toolbox.
As usual Employers Assistance has to manage logins so please contact us if you require use of this feature.