A new feature in the Employers Toolbox allows businesses accurate tracking of staff vaccinations.
'Vax Track' is now optionally available on your Employers Toolbox account to allow specific recording of multiple vaccination records for staff members. Through your staff settings you can choose whether or not to enable this feature.

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Vax Track is based on similar concepts as the functionality in Health & Safety training records in the Employers Toolbox. Users can create 'master' vaccination records then assign that against as many staff as necessary. You can record extra notes, dates of vaccinations, future review dates and upload documents or images against the record. If you set a future review date, the alert system will email you when due (based on your alert settings).

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A visual gauge on the Dashboard offers users a quick overview of company vaccination stages; percentages of staff unvaccinated, partially and fully vaccinated.

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The logic currently is that one vaccination record will give the staff member a partial vaccination status, more than one will show them as fully vaccinated. As the Government recommendations for booster roll outs in the future develops, this will be reflected in the Vax Track also.
Clicking on the gauge takes the user through to a quick report on all staff individual vaccine status and allows you to download the data to Excel if needed.

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Turning Vax Track on or off simply removes the features visually. No data is deleted by turning it off. User logins need 'Staff' permissions to see or access this information. Please contact us if you have questions regarding setting login specific permissions.
Vax Track