Employment Contracts Creator
PC Software
Current version : 2.29
Fully customised Employment Contract Agreements at a click of a button!The Employment Contracts Creator (ECC) is a PC based software package which enables you to create your employment contracts with ease. Starting with a comprehensive contract, simply 'untick' any clauses you don't want, complete the Personal Terms schedule using our wizard, and the software does the rest for you. ECC is your complete tool for creating every type of employment contract. Designed specifically for the New Zealand market under the Employment relations Act 2000. Employment Agreement templates include : - Permanent full time
- Permanent part time
- Fixed term
- Casual employment
- Employee handbook
- Contractors agreements - Commercial Service
- Contractors agreements- Labour only
- Variation Agreement
Our latest version of the ECC (v2.29 2024) has been developed following changes in legislation, case law and our recommended best practices. Our in-house legal team have modified our Individual Employment Agreements to accommodate these changes and provide the best protection for business owners. The software now includes- 90 Day Trial Period
- Probationary Periods
- New Sick Leave
- Government MSD/IRD subsidy application
- Availability provision options
- Total Remuneration (KiwiSaver) option
- Failure to work notice period - employer compensation
- Termination pay
- Jury Service non payment
- Public Holiday and Alternative Holidays
- Staff image IP approval
- Easter Sunday - non work day
- Disparaging remarks - social media
- Travel time
- Family Violence leave
- Protected Disclosures Act 2022
- Extended personal grievance changes
- Employment Relations Amendment Act 2023
Previous updates; - Rest and Meal Breaks
- Bereavement Leave
- Pandemics
- Force Majeure
- Employee Protection Provision
- Vulnerable Employee definition
- Privacy Act 2020
- Confidentiality clauses
- "Rain offs" - natural disasters
We pride ourselves in providing Employers and Business owners with the most comprehensive Agreements. The best protection in employment dispute situations begins with having the best Agreement in place with your staff. To this end our team of industry experienced and qualified specialists constantly look to improve our Agreements in line with legislation, what is happening in the Courts and what offers our clients the best protection.
Buy online, get your registration code immediately and get to work instantly.
Download a copy right now to demo - Proven systems - used by businesses nationwide since 1999
- Your advantage - you control the documentation with employees, the Employment Contracts Creator does the whole process for you
- Simple to use - requires only basic computer knowledge
- Create any contracts you wish - Permanent, Part time, Casual, Fixed Term, Employee handbook, Contractor Agreements
- Customise - simply tick the box on the clauses you want to include
- Help notes - explanation in plain words the purpose of each clause available for a contract
- Comprehensive and Professional - written and supported by our qualified legal team of employment law specialists

This software is design for the Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5
If you PC does not have this installed our software will automatically download it for you.