The 4th of April 2016 saw the Health & Safety at Work Act (2015) take effect.
The Employers Toolbox was upgraded to roll out the changes required under the Act.
The Health & Safety online module had several new features rolled out, and for existing users there is an additional feature to be aware of:
When accessing the Manuals and Systems area you are provided with the option of using the Manuals and documentation for the new Act (HSW 2015) or for the old (HSE 1992)

Click to Zoom
The old system (HSE 1992) contains your existing manuals and systems, the new is our current templates with all the changes.
All your data in the modules and registers remains valid and gets automatically included and used throughout the new Health & Safety Manual.
Under the new system the Health & Safety Manual is now organised by chapter, and users can edit each section individually.

Click to Zoom
You may download, edit and upload each chapter in its own right. You can add your own chapters, delete chapters and even re-sequence them within the software.
Data is also merged from the various parts of the software; e.g. Emergency Procedures, Risk Assessments etc - this was true for the previous version too.
To download the entire compiled manual users click on the Download button as highlighted in the image above.
All documents and chapters are now in Word (docx) format.