News Article

latest news in employment law

New Rules for Hazardous Waste

Published 09 Jul 2019

The requirements for handling, storing and transporting hazardous substances now apply to hazardous waste also from June 2019.

In exactly the same way as hazardous substances you must keep an inventory of all hazardous waste created or stored in your premises.

These regulations apply to hazardous waste that:
  • is created by a manufacturing or other industrial process, and
  • is, or is likely to contain, a substance that is hazardous due to its explosive, flammable, oxidising, toxic or corrosive properties.

The requirements for using, handling, and storing hazardous substances as in specifications for containers, separation distances and labels apply to hazardous waste now also.

You also should have emergency response action plans, spill kits for liquids and a minimum of a 30B fire extinguisher readily accessible, visible and signed.

If you are using our online Employers Toolbox Health & Safety our policy manual around Hazardous Substances has been updated to encompass this latest change, your manual will automatically reflect this provided you have our default chapter for this in place. For more information please contact us.