
lastest news in employment law

June 2010 Newsletter

Published 01 Jun 2010
This Issue

Employment Agreements Are Compulsory

Employers are required to provide every new employee with a written employment agreement...full story

Procedural Fairness Required When Dismissing An Employee

A dismissal may be held unjustifiable where the circumstances are such that the principles of justice or fairness have not been observed, preventing an employee from having the opportunity to answer the allegations on which the dismissal is based....full story

Parental Leave Requests From Staff - What To Do

If you have received a request for parental leave here are three things to do to get started ...full story

Independent Contractors

There has been a major shift in legal thinking in recent years and consequently the rules, on when a contractor can be engaged by a business owner, or when the relationship should be categorised as an employee relationship...full story

The ultimate safety near miss.

An employee was using his private mobile phone at work when in close proximity to dangerous goods...full story

Drug & Alcohol Workshop

Employers Assistance Ltd is running a series of Drug & Alcohol advanced training workshops, designed for Managers and Supervisors. The next one will be held on Thursday August 26th 2010 in Albany, 10:00am to 3:30pm.


Under Health and Safety regulations, Employers are required to take all practicable steps to ensure first aid facilities are provided...full story


Employers Assistance Ltd runs a series of First Aid Training workshops and you are invited to send an employee or two for training. The next course is Wed 18th August Learning Network, Corner Soljan and Universal Drive, Henderson. The refresher course runs from 8:30am to 12:30pm, full course 8:30am to 4:30pm...full story