Employers lose the Employer Tax Credit from 1st April 2009 and this has been covering most of the employer compulsory contributions ...full story |
The new minimum wage for adults is $12.50 an hour with effect from 1st April 09. The 'New Entrant' rate follows at 80% of the adult rate and will become $10.00 hourly from that date ...full story |
This is an ammendment to the Employment Relations Act 2000. A Trial Period is not automatic for new jobs in small businesses. It only occurs if the employer and employee agree to it ...full story |
The Employment Relations Act 2000 introduces from 1 April 2009 statutory entitlements to rest breaks and meal intervals. Here are the rules ...full story |
Auckland SeminarsCome to our Auckland seminars and learn all about the current changes and how they affect your situation |
Due to all the recent changes we have released new Employment Agreements throughout our existing product range. Get your new Agreements here ...full story |