From 1 April 2015 Parental Leave entitlements are changing. Leave entitlements are increasing by two weeks, and the Government is increasing parental tax credit payments for babies born after this date . ...full story |
Employment Relations Amendment Act changes are now effective. The 6 changes came into force on March 6th 2015. Flexible hours, rest and meal breaks ...full story |
This year, Easter Friday is on 3rd April and Easter Monday on 6th April. Good Friday and Easter Monday ARE Public Holidays. Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday are NOT. ...full story |
Daylight Saving Ends April 5Please remember that clocks are put back one hour on Sunday 5th April. (3am becomes 2am)
Employees who work their shifts during the time daylight saving ends and as a result work an additional hour, should get paid any extra time worked as a result of the hour gained.
Daylight Saving begins again on Sunday 27th September 2015. (2am becomes 3am)
The Staff Performance Review PC software package has been upgraded. The latest version is available for download now. It is a free upgrade to all existing users of the software. ...full story |