Employers Are Coming to Grief When Dismissing Using 90 Day Trial Period. There are some important things you need to know in order to get it right. For more information, including a sample dismissal notice ...full story |
Fairness is the key word in this area of employment law. Again and again employers are criticised for failing to act in a 'fair' way. Hearing all parties before a decision is made is one step which would be considered appropriate to be taken in order that a process may then be characterised as 'procedurally fair' ...full story |
The Employers Assistance Hotline receives many calls asking for clarification on the law regarding public holidays. What are the rules?... ...full story |
Too Late Once Employee's Hand Has Been Crushed. The Department of Labour has prosecuted four companies for their part in a serious workplace accident which could have been avoided ...full story |
$50,000 Fine If Employing an Ineligible Non-New Zealand Citizen The Immigration Act 2009 will come into effect on November 29th 2010. The key change for employers in the Immigration Act 2009 is that holding a tax code declaration form will no longer be a 'reasonable excuse' for employing a non-New Zealand citizen who is not entitled to work in New Zealand ...full story |
Employee's Leg Broken - Unsafe Equipment In Workplace. Manufacturers cannot just install their equipment in a business and walk away without checking it for safety ...full story |
Drug use in the workplaceDrug Usage Puts Your Business Under Threat – Would You Like To Know What To Do? Employers Assistance Ltd is hosting a series of Drug & Alcohol advanced training workshops, presented by Drug Free Sites. They are designed for Managers and Supervisors. The next one will be held on Thursday November 25th 2010 in Albany, 10:00am to 3:30pm. |