Christmas and New Year is a busy business time for some employers. Many have to take on more staff usually on fixed term or casual employment agreements to keep up with customer demand. Employers need to ensure that new employees are employed on the appropriate type of agreement, and that the minimum statutory requirements for that type of agreement are satisfied.
If the employee is to be used consistently during the busy time but will not be required once it is finished, a fixed term employment agreement is likely to be the most appropriate contract. In this case, the employment agreement itself must state: when the employment agreement will end (i.e. on a particular date or at the end of a particular project or season); the reason why the employment will end then; and the way in which the employment will end.
However, if the employee is only to be engaged on an "as and when required" basis and there is no expectation of work from one engagement to the next, then a casual employment agreement is likely to be the most appropriate contract.