Some feature upgrades to our cloud platform worth mentioning this month.
Employment Agreement schedules
Job Descriptions
Health & Safety Meetings
We have added the ability for you to format the text in your employment agreement schedules, job descriptions and Health & Safety meeting records.

Click to zoom
A new editor allows you to change the formatting, size and font plus features like underlining, bullet points and italics gives users the opportunity to improve the presentation of their documents.
Meeting records within Health & Safety also now have this ability and also some extra functionality:

Click to zoom
You can now create templates for your meetings. If you wish to standardise your meetings, agendas or reporting you can create content in a meeting and save it as a meeting template. Two new buttons on your meeting screen allow you to create and load templates. Meetings also have the new rich editor for extra formatting capability.
Meetings can also now be allocated to departments within your organisation. One extra benefit of this is that meetings can now be subject to department level security. Since logins can be restricted to departments, meetings will now also be hidden if the user does not have permissions to that department.
Please contact us if you need more information around permissions and security of the Employers Toolbox.
Thank you to all our customers who make the effort to suggest features and improvements to our platform. Empirical feedback is always valued and adopted if possible.