Monitoring and managing COVID-19 vaccinations with your staff is a reasonable and justifiable thing for businesses to do in respect to their business operation and duty of care under health & safety.
Under the Privacy Act 2020 you need to be able to give assurances staff data is kept private, protected and secure. Use the Employers Toolbox to do this.
Within the Employers Toolbox there are a number of ways you could actually achieve this depending upon exactly what you want to record and the functionality you need.
The most comprehensive way would be to set up a master training record called COVID-19 Vaccination for example in Health & Safety, then assign and date it to staff as they are innoculated. You could go further and track each vaccination (if 2 are required) and use the reminder system also.
But, for general tracking we think the simplest and quickest way is to set up a simple 'Staff Check' in your settings and record it that way.
Creating a Staff Check adds a tick box on every employee's staff screen which allows you to record this particular check for each and every employee in the system company wide. This applies the same if you have mutiple branches loaded on your Toolbox. You could create 2 checks if you wish to specifically track the 2 stages of vaccination where applicable.

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Reporting data for this is quick and easy, exportable in Excel format back in the Settings page for the Staff Checks.