A Wellington builder, ordered to pay more than $60,000 after a
workplace accident, has recently appeared in the media warning other
Employers that they are "quite vulnerable and, if you have Employees,
insure." This has highlighted the vulnerability of Employers under the
Health and Safety at Work Act and the limitation on what insurance is
available. ...full story |
The Performance Review software of the Employers Toolbox online has new features and functionality. A new ranking system has been introduced. 6 step of ratings; from
'Improvement needed' to 'Exceptional' the new system promotes more
realistic options for staff self-assessments. ...full story |
Many Employers make the mistake of thinking an Employee has abandoned
their job simply because they did not turn up for a rostered shift, and
then wrongly assume they can enforce their right to dismiss. Employers
need to establish whether the Employee has any intention of returning to work and
make every effort to contact the Employee. ...full story |
The beginning of June signals the start of winter and the cold and flu season being upon us. Employers need to consider whether Employees are entitled to sick leave, the genuineness of the sickness, and their obligations to provide a healthy and safe work place. ...full story |
The Court of Appeal has recently decided that where an order has
been made forbidding the publication of an Employee's name, the definition of "publication" does not include the disclosure of the Employee's name to their Employer, provided the Employer has genuine interest in the information. ...full story |