New feature in the Employers Toolbox; Performance Improvement Programmes (PIP). Performance Improvement Programmes are a recognised formal mechanism of
addressing and attempting to correct sub-standard performance problems
when found. The same framework is also a great tool to use in training
or up-skilling staff for new roles and challenges ...full story |
During Summer many employees take the opportunity to get outdoors and pursue some sporting activities. For employers this can mean an increase in sick days and ACC claims and it is important to know what to do when employees have injuries outside of the workplace. ...full story |
The written job description (J.D.) used to be something found only in big organisations including central and local Government. Today however, a written job description is a required part of every employee’s employment agreement. ...full story |
On 1 April 2017, the adult minimum wage increases by 50 cents to $15.75 an hour. Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Michael Woodhouse said that the
starting-out and training minimum wage rates also increase, from ...full story |
A cleaning company fined $45k for not following their own Health & Safety procedures after an employee contracted Hepatitus B. ...full story |