Health & Safety
Through Employers Assistance you have available a very experienced OSH team. You can involve us to whatever extent you want with getting systems in place. Hazard identification, hazard management plans, training staff in what they need to know and do, training your safety officer and on-going support OR we can provide you with the tools to do it all yourself.
Phone us on 0800 15 8000. 
The variety of options regarding installing and implementing the systems of OSH make them affordable and they can be completed at the convenience of the business, thus saving money and time.
Let us give you an audit (a costs only fee) then send you a proposal on what your business needs for your consideration. At worst you will then know the exposure and risks your business faces.
To inquire further please e-mail or phone 0800 15 8000.
We have OSH systems to meet the requirements of any business, for example:
- Accident and Incident Reporting
- System for Identifying, Controlling & Monitoring Hazards
- A Return to Work system
- Hazardous Substances
- Manual Handling
- OOS / RSI / Ergonomics
- Electricity
- Machinery
- Noise
- Light
- No Smoking
- Preparing for Emergencies
- Principals and Contractors
- Legislation
- Injury Management and Administration
- Employee Dispute Resolution
- Accident Investigation
- Vehicle Safety Training
Hazard identification & Control
- Employers Assistance has people who can implement systems for identifying and controlling workplace hazards for any business.
- We can complete the process for you and show you how to continue the process.
- We can provide you with all the tools to do it yourself.
Management of Workplace Injuries - Claims Management
- Rehabilitation Programs
- Administration
Employers Assistance offers business owners and managers several options that will assist in complying with OSH obligations.
a) Tier 1 - From $50 monthly (or $35 monthly for Employers Support Package members). The minimum term is 1 year.
Tier 1 offers the products that will enable owners/managers to complete OSH compliance themselves and to continue to run the on-going systems required by the Health & Safety in Employment Act. Tier 1 includes:
- A subscription to our Cloud based "Health and Safety Online" programme, including an information pack and instructions.
- Employee information (names, training records in OSH systems, annual plan etc.)
- The Systems of OSH text files (Hazard ID Inspection, Risk Assessment, Classification, Hazard Management, Reporting System, Employer’s Responsibilities, Employees' Obligations etc.)
- Tier 1 clients are able to print off an OSH Manual (of systems), a Records & Reports Register and a Staff Training File to help evidence OSH compliance.
b) Tier 2 - Includes the "Health and Safety Online" programme & Information Pack with instructions (Tier 1) plus:
- An 0800 OSH Hotline and free e-mail service for two months with remote hands on help to set the systems of OSH (on-line) in place.
- Tier 2 clients can print off their own suite of manuals. This is Stage 1.
- Tier 2 includes Employers Assistance overseeing the Hazard Management systems remotely, training the owner/manager in all the systems of OSH and setting up the on-going requirements of monitoring the health of employees exposed to minimised significant hazards and the Health & Safety team meetings required by the Act. The owner/manager can train the staff under (remote) supervision.
- The tier requires an initial setup fee of $160.00 hourly. After stage one has been completed the owner can use the on-line Health and Safety product to maintain compliance for the monthly fee from $50 as in Tier 1 and run OSH for themselves.
- If Employers Assistance runs OSH maintenance for the owner/manager the monthly fee is be $160.00 an hour plus disbursements.
c) Tier 3 – A fully managed OSH Program
- This includes the gathering of initial information remotely (phone & e-mail) and write the annual plan, compile the suite of printed books (OSH Manual, Records & Reports Register & Staff Training File), a visit to the site to carry out the initial Hazard Identification Inspection and then Employers Assistance will write the hazard management programme.
- Employers Assistance will conduct on-site staff training and obtain sign-offs from staff. Then EA will maintain the staff safety meetings, agendas for a monthly fee.
- The initial cost will be $160.00 hourly then a monthly fee.
We have software and systems to aid employers through the health and safety arena. Training systems and monitoring software provides you with the tools to achieve a safer working environment and legal compliance.
Please note that the above rates are plus GST.
Click here for information on our Health & Safety Online>>
Click here for information on Interlude - our OOS prevention software>>