Under pandemic Alert Levels 2 and 3 most business can operate if they follow guidelines around safe practices in terms of COVID-19 transmission control. There is no 'Essential Business' distinction under these levels.
With level 3 staff should work at home where possible, customers shouldn't enter the business premises and all transactions need to be contactless in all aspects. Customers are allowed to
enter premises of; supermarkets, dairies, petrol stations,
pharmacies, licensing trusts, and some health service establishments. Businesses which are allowing customers on site must still follow all Health guidelines around physical distancing and contactless transacting.
It is essentially up to the business to undertake a self-assessment around safe work practices bearing in mind any and all Ministry of Health and Government directives in conjunction with their usual Health & Safety at Work practices including now the cross infection risks with COVID-19.
All businesses transacting with customers physically are now required to register and display their own Government QR code for contact tracking with the NZ COVID Tracer App. This is now mandatory to have in place by August 19th 2020.
If you haven't done this click the link below to generate one for
your business. It gets emailed to you once registered, simply print it
out and display it:
It appears the public's response to using the Tracer App is still way below where it needs to be, so businesses having their own contact tracing system is highly recommended in level 3.
If you don't have a system use our free web based Visitor Portal in the Employers Toolbox.

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