New functionality has been added to the Online performance reviews for our Employers Toolbox users.
Following the stages of KPI creation, users now have the ability to add questions to the review.
Any adding questions will be included in the performance review for both the reviewee to answer and the reviewer to comment on.
If questions are present in a review, the remote completion interface for reviewees with the invite system, will also include the questions posed. Reviewees can still complete their self assessment in its entirety on their mobile devices.

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There are suggested questions included in our example performance review template, and any questions created in a review also get included if that review gets saved as a custom template or cloned.
The progress bar has been updated to include links to the various stages allowing the reviewer/creator to jump to the later stages minimising the 'next' button clicks.

Click to zoom
This new functionality is now in the Online Employers Toolbox, and it will be rolled out to the PC software version in the next update.
Non-subscribers to the Toolbox can login to the demo to get a preview of this if desired.