A fair disciplinary investigation must demonstrate a “good reason” for initiating such action. Before any actions are taken in relation to a disciplinary matter, the Employer must investigate the incident to be able to establish the existence of a good reason. ...full story |
Where an Employee has been summoned for Jury service the Employer should discuss with the Employee about the dates and duration of the jury service. The Employer needs to consider how their absence might affect the workplace during that period. ...full story |
Here in New Zealand, we turn our clocks forward one hour at 2.00am on the last Sunday in September which this year is the 28th September 2014. ...full story |
Where you have received a "Notice to deduct amounts owed to Inland Revenue" from the IRD asking you to deduct money from an Employee's earnings for amounts owed to the IRD there are certain things you need to do, and not do, when you make these deductions. ...full story |
The Library, which is the information repository in the Dashboard tab of the Employers Toolbox, has a new feature; Company Documents. You can now upload your own files to this area for safe storage. Customised policies, procedures, handbooks and manuals are typical documents. ...full story |