Some new features worth knowing about have been rolled out recently to the Employers Toolbox platform.
Performance Reviews - Custom Rankings
Key Performance Indicators (KPIS) are a major part of performance management and as such form a significant part of our online performance management tools. All KPIs you create in the online Performance Reviews module will automatically have a ranking scale appended to them for users to assess their comparative achievements when it comes to the review process.
Previously these rankings were fixed and appeared as such:

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Our latest updates to this platform now offers the author the ability to customs these ranking scales. You can create as many or as few ranks as you prefer for your purposes and of course customise the labels.
The ranking scales are stored with the Performance Review upon its creation, but can be overridden later if needed. What this means is that each performance review can have its own rankings independent of any other should you need the flexibility.

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To customise your own rankings, once logged in, go to your Settings by clicking the cog next to the 'Logout' link on the top right of your screen. You will then notice an item titled 'Performance Reviews'. All customisation is done in there.

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To apply custom rankings to an existing review you need to go back into that review and select to reset rankings in the KPI section. Any new Performance Reviews will adopt your current ranking scale at the point they were created.
Staff Notes
We have added an area in a employee's file to create and save basic staff notes.
On a staff member's profile there is a new page tab on the right hand end titled 'Notes'. In here you can add free text memos as you need. Notes are date stamped and appear in that order, can be exported out to Word, edited or deleted as required. There is no limit to text lengths nor the number of notes you can store.

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